at the Al Fatah Mosque in Ambon, Prabowo Salat Friday

Channel Nasional. After the gathering with the Maluku MUI Management, Candidates for President Prabowo Subianto held Friday prayers at Majid Raya Al Fatah, Ambon. Prabowo's arrival at the Al Fatah Grand Mosque was welcomed by thousands of worshipers Friday prayers diirnigi pekikan takbir.

Before Prabowo headed for the front to perform the Friday Prayer, Prabowo, was in the room of the Al Fatah Grand Mosque H.R Hasanussi.
After performing Friday prayers thousands of worshipers waited and covered the car that Prabawo was riding. However, Prabowo came out through another door in the mosque, the congregation that saw Prabowo who was outside the mosque running around while heading for the car that Prabowo was riding.

The congregation ran to shake hands with the presidential candidate with number 2. Even though he was in the car, finally Prabowo came out of the hood to shake hands with the residents along Jalan AY Patty Ambon.

After completing Friday Prayers, Prabowo returned to his hotel in the Tanah Rata area to meet with the supporting political parties. The program began around 3:00 p.m.


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