Confide in Sandiaga Uno, from Catfish Farmers to Oil and Gas Academy Owners

Pojok Id. The owner of the catfish cultivation center, Toto Warnoto complains that the feed has reached Rp.10 thousand per kilogram. This was conveyed at the Meeting and Discussion of Catfish Cultivation Center with Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.

"The movement of the dollar has an effect on the price of feed. The imported raw material influences the weak rupiah value. We hope that later Mr. Sandi, inshaallah, so the 2019 vice presidential candidate can contribute so that the price of catfish feed is cheap and stable," explained Toto written on Tuesday.

In the event held at Karang Sinom Blok 1 RT 01 / RW 02, Karanganyar Village, Kandanghaur Subdistrict, Indramayu Regency, West Java, on Tuesday, he also said that this caused businessmen, farmers and catfish cultivation workers to complain because their income had decreased. The weakening Rupiah, continued Toto, created a successive effect.

"Cultivators have farmers, farmers have workers, workers have families that must be supported, endowed. Now life is getting heavier. The selling price of catfish is expensive, the trade turnover of catfish goes down, including food buyers. We surrender the fate of all catfish cultivation in Indramayu to Mr. Sandi, "he continued.

Meanwhile, the owner of the oil and gas academy in Indramayu, Hanifah, hopes that Sandi can create more jobs for his mother. According to Hanifah, many women in Indramayu became overseas workers. So that many of their husbands remarry.

"Indramayu is rich, sir. There is agriculture, sea and oil. But many are looking for work abroad because of their difficult life. This is also homework for you. Please, sir," Hanifah said.

Sandi also admitted that he would accommodate all these complaints. He also asked to be prayed for not being a politician in the birth control pill. "This is a mandate. Pray for us not to be a politician in the birth control pill. Do you know the difference between birth control pills and presidential elections? If the birth control pills are forgotten, so.

"I will accommodate it all. This is our focus, creating and providing employment and maintaining affordable and stable prices of basic necessities," said Sandi who had spread catfish seeds to the pond.


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