Moderator Debate of Presidential Candidates, Prabowo-Sandiaga Asks KPU to Be Careful Choose

Warta Jurnal. The first presidential and vice presidential debate was held immediately in mid-January 2019. National Successor Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno asked the KPU to be careful in choosing a moderator.

"Our BPN Pak Prabowo-Sandi asked the KPU to be careful in choosing the moderator of the debate. The parties indicated to have sided in 2014 were better skipped as moderators," said BPN spokesman Prabowo-Sandiaga, Andre Rosiade, in a statement to reporters On Friday.

There is a reason why the Prabowo team asked the KPU to be careful in choosing a moderator. Andre explained, the Prabowo team did not want to debate the presidential candidate, which he called the community's benchmark in choosing the leader to run unbalanced or one-sided to one of the candidate pairs.

"Because we don't expect the candidate debate to become a benchmark for the community in not running neutral because there is an indication of the moderator's alignment. For us, the neutrality of the moderator is important so that, after the debate, the community is not presented with a new debate due to the non-neutrality of the moderator. this is very important for the delivery of Prabowo-Sandi's superior programs, "he said.

There are six figures proposed by the KPU as moderators of the election presidential and vice presidential debate. They are Najwa Shihab, Ira Koesno, Bayu Sutiyono, Tomi Cokro, Alfito Deannova, and Prabu Revolusi. But the names have not been agreed upon.

Then, who are the potential moderators highlighted by the Prabowo-Sandiaga camp? Andre doesn't mention names. He only spoke about the background of the prospective moderator, whether his name was because Andre did not mention his name.
"There are a number of names that worked in one of the private TV stations in 2014 where private TV was very clear in favor of Jokowi," said the Gerindra Party politician.


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