Sandiaga Uno Can Make Indonesian Rice Self-Sufficiency, Origin ...

Kolom Media. Candidate vice president number 02 Sandiaga Uno said that he would stop the rice import program and prioritize the production of farmers to meet national needs.
If elected later, he will carry out a program of self-sufficiency in food, water and energy. Especially for rice, can Indonesia be self-sufficient?

IPB Professor of Agriculture Dwi Andreas Santosa said Indonesia could be self-sufficient in rice if the program paradigm implemented by the government was completely overhauled.
"If it is possible for rice, we really can be self-sufficient in the country," said Andreas

Andreas explained, the paradigm shift from the one currently targeting rice production is increasing to increase farmers' welfare.

According to him, paradigms such as the subsidy policy, the distribution of agricultural equipment, and other programs that lead to an increase in the amount of production are old programs which in fact can never prevent Indonesia from importing rice.

"If we study the direction of the program all increase production, very little policy will improve the welfare of farmers," he said.

The paradigm that must be carried out by the government to meet the needs of rice or other food must be directed towards improving the welfare of farmers.

"How to improve the welfare of farmers, when welfare increases, the increase in production is only a reward," he said.

It can be seen, in Indramayu, West Java the candidate number Vice President number 02 Sandiaga Uno accommodates the aspirations and residents of the village. On that occasion, Sandi also listened to the aspirations of the Chairman of the DPD of the Rice Mill Union (Perpadi) in Indramayu-Cirebon Ferry Priatna. He requested Sandi so that Indonesian rice should not be eroded by imports from other countries.

"Do not, Sir, our rice is not selling because of the rise of imported rice. We have had difficulty selling rice because the price is high, while imported rice is sold at cheap prices," Feri said in a written statement received Wednesday.
This was conveyed by Feri while having a dialogue with Sandi at the rice factory of CV Fajar Niaga in Widasari Village, Widasari District, Jalan Simpang Tiga, Desa Kongsi Jaya, Indramayu, West Java.

Sandiaga responded to the proposal by explaining Prabowo-Sandi's commitment, namely the three self-sufficiency programs, namely food, water and energy. One form of action according to Sandi is the policy of stopping imports during the harvest period.

"Food self-sufficiency is our program in 2019. In addition to the absorption of rice from farmers in Bulog, local rice is prioritized. We are not dictated by the food mafia and import mafia. Don't let the Vietnamese farmers prosper, not Indramayu farmers. Number one is the people's stomach, number two president, "explained Sandi.


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