This Coffee Hawker is Nangis and Trembling, When Shaking with Sandiaga Uno

Nasional Indonesia. One of the coffee vendors at the Tirta Sakti soccer field in Bugis Village, Anjatan Indramayu District, West Java, Iis, shed tears and claimed to be trembling when shaking hands with Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno.
Iis and other residents chased a car driven by the number 2 vice presidential candidate as soon as they entered the soccer field on Tuesday. Sandi who opened his car glass served greetings and greetings as well.

"O God, sir. Greetings sir, greetings," Iis said in a written statement. He also could not resist the feeling of emotion when his hand shook tight with the former Deputy Governor of DKI. After greeting, Iis went back to selling.

Iis's hands still trembled while making coffee for the buyers on the field. "Like a dream you can meet Mr. Password. O God, like a dream. Until now, I am still trembling," said Iis who was still trying to calm herself and wipe away the tears that still came out from her eyelids.

Before going to the soccer field for joint gymnastics, the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta made a pilgrimage to KH Mahfudz Lungmalang's Tomb, which is only 250 meters from the Tirta Sakti field.

Then, in front of hundreds of Bugis Village people who were waiting for him since morning, this former businessman stated that with Prabowo he would create and provide jobs and the stability of affordable and stable prices of basic commodities.

"Greetings from Mr. Prabowo Subianto for the Bugis Village community. If given the mandate by the people to serve the Indonesian people, God willing, stable prices and the field and job creation will be increased. We also increase our income," explained Sandi, who was greeted by roaring crowds.


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